When you order a from us, some items will be sent from Another Now HQ, but most items are shipped from the brand directly.
If you have purchased multiple items from different brands, they will usually be sent separately.
We manage all customer communications, so if you have any questions or issues with delivery of your item, please email us at
*Shipping is a flat fee per order (not per brand)
Our delivery costs and lead-times are as follows:
UK standard 2 to 3 working days - £4 or free over £100
European 4 to 15 working days - £15
Rest of world 4 to 20 working days - £20
*Customers outside of UK please note:
- we do not cover international return costs from outside of the UK. Customers are responsible for these.
- orders shipped outside of the UK may be subject to local taxes or duties, which will need to be covered by the recipient.
For any questions please email:
Our brands mostly use the following methods for your delivery (or similar planet-friendly carrier)
- Royal Mail/Parcelforce
- DPD Green
- DHL Carbon Neutral
Items are usually dispatched within 1-2 business days of your order.
Orders placed on a weekend or bank holiday day will be collected on the next working day
We are unable to control whether there are postal strikes or other factors that may affect delivery time.
UK Next Day Delivery: Available on request for certain products - please email us at with your requirements prior to placing order, and we will confirm if it's possible.
If an item is made to order, delivery time will be indicated in the product's description.
A delivery confirmation email will be sent to you as soon as the order has been sent. This email will contain a tracking number and the date the brand dispatched the item.
If you experience a delivery issue which has not been resolved by the courier, please contact us at with your order no and track no.
INCORRECT ADDRESSESPlease make sure your shipping address is correct. Orders that are returned because of an invalid address may incur a shipping charge if they are reshipped. After an order has been delivered to the correct shipping address, we cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen packages.
Customers in the UK should not be charged customs fees. If you are please get in touch at with your order no.
Our brands prioritise eco-friendly packing which Another Now supports and encourages. We are working towards listing details of packaging on all product listings, so that you can understand how your package will arrive prior to ordering. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us for specific information.
We're always available to help. Please contact us at and we will get back to you promptly.